About me

Hello and welcome to my little peace of the internet 🙂

My name is Carola and I travel with a passion – solo, with friends (old and new), with family or temporary travel companions… I love to discover our beautiful planet and to re-visit my all-time favourites.

10 random (somewhat travel related) facts about me:

  • For as long as I can remember, I have been curious about our world: I went on my first semi-solo trip with a friend at six years old!
  • I am from Germany and moved abroad at age 16 – supposedly for one year but it turned into six, whoops.
  • One of the questions I get asked the most: How many countries have you travelled to? For a long time I never actually knew but I did sit down to count. The answer is 43.
  • The first backpacking trip I went on was in 2009 to South-East-Asia for three months at age 23.
  • My solo round the world trip was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Possibly the best one. I travelled for nine months at age 31/32 and I wish I could do that again (for the first time).
  • I own a van that I renovated. As much as I love long-distance travel, I LOVE Europe as well but I don’t know it as well as I would like… yet. Much to discover with my “Pineapple Elsa”.
  • My constant inner battle is between settling in a tiny house by the sea to create my little nest to read, write, be… and setting off on my next adventure, unsure of when I’ll return.
  • There are two hearts beating in my chest destination wise: city culture vs. nature enthusiast. The latter usually beats a little louder.
  • I am a water person. Mountains are great, too, but the ocean is the love of my life (one reason I became a scuba instructor in 2019).
  • When I am not on the road, my home bases are in the woods in Germany and (soon) by the coast in Portugal.

On this blog, I take you along for the ride and share experiences, ideas, tips and sometimes what NOT to do.

If you have questions or just want to say Hi, send me a love letter to aloha@yourtravelsister.com.

I look forward to it!

– Stay curious!

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